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Cambridge Math Circle provides equitable access to high-quality math and problem solving enrichment to all students, regardless of income level, with a focus on students in grades 1-8 that are underrepresented in STEM. 


Cambridge Math Circle envisions a future where any student interested in pursuing mathematics and problem solving can access programs that spark their curiosity and develop their ‘math minds’ so they can pursue work in any STEM field they desire.

Simply - we want math to bring students joy.

Donate by mail

If you prefer to donate by check, please send it to:

Cambridge Math Circle
37 High Street, #2
Cambridge, MA 02138

This helps us to avoid lofty cc transaction fees on larger donations, so thank you!


"The math circle creates a fun environment while teaching complex concepts of math. It is my daughter's favorite weekend activity and it helped her to become more confident as well. We feel fortunate to found this place."

-Parent of a 2nd-grader at the MLK school 

"Can we do this every day?"

-4th grader, Haggerty Elementary

"My daughter comes alive at the prospect of another session at the Cambridge Math Circle. She is a very curious child and this program satisfies that need in a gamified and rewarding way."

-Parent of a 1st-grader at the MLK school

"The camp wasn't just the best math ever, it was the best thing ever!"

-5th grader, CMC camp participant